Friday, January 16, 2009

My Wish Came True!

Well, we didn't get any snow, but school was cancelled anyway for the cold weather? How crazy! I was dumbfounded this morning after I snoozed 3 times not wanting to get up and walk around in my COLD house. My husband believes heat is not a necessity, especially when you are sleeping. It was exactly 60 degrees when I woke up this morning and looked at our fancy indoor thermostat. I slept in 2 long sleeve shirts, flannel pants and socks and I was just a lump under the covers... maybe a strand of hair sticking out from under them. Anyway, I drank my coffee for a little while, then I decided to go to Walmart in the 6 degree temperture to get the right "equipment" to organize my small closet. I, of course, spent way too much time and way too much money in there and got more things that were NOT on my list then what was actually on my list. We'll see if my closet gets organized or not today. To be continued...


  1. I was sad we couldn't see you guys at Christmas too! That was so sweet of you guys to get Hudson a gift...he loves books! I hear you on the cold..I rarely leave the house from Nov-March!

  2. Yea for no school! And I think heat is definitely a necessity ESPECIALLY when sleeping because it is absolutely the worst having to get out of bed freezing!
